


Did you know that you may be able to earn college credit for your non-college or experience-based learning?
先前学习评估 (PLA) credit is awarded for college-level learning: knowledge, 技能和能力. PLA包括从工作和生活经验中获得的技能 such as:

  • 函授及拓展课程
  • 个人学习和阅读
  • 公民、社区和志愿者工作
  • Participation in formal courses and in-service training sponsored by associations, 商业,政府和工业.

澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 will accept in transfer from within the institution and from other state institutions of higher education prior learning assessment credit awarded GT课程要求. 特立尼达州不会禁止学生聚会 general education/GT Pathways requirements with prior learning assessment credit.


  • PLA credit may be awarded if the following standards have been met:
         (changing your declared degree 或证书 will result in the reassessment 解放军学分的适用性)
  • PLA credit may only be awarded for courses and credits required in your declared degree 或证书.
  • 解放军学分可以满足课程的先决条件要求
  • PLA credit cannot be used to satisfy the TSC degree 或证书 residency requirements*
  • All work evaluated for PLA credit must meet or exceed ‘C’ level work
  • 解放军信用不能重复任何以前授予的信用
  • PLA credit is specifically noted on the transcript as such and is considered transfer 课程作业(非机构课程):
       o PLA credit is not calculated into your grade point average (GPA)
       o If the PLA credit assessment determines that the prior learning does not warrant the awarding of credit, or if the standardized / institutional exam is not passed, 解放军学分不会出现在你的成绩单上
  • PLA credits are not included as part of your semester enrollment for the purposes of financial aid, veteran benefits or any other purpose predicated on total hours 指某一学期的入学人数


  •  全国标准化分班考试

    你可以通过某些标准化考试获得大学学分. 在收到 成绩满意,可获得大学学分.

    • CLEP考试:
      CLEP (The College-Level Examination Program) gives students of any age the chance to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate 大学课程. 不再需要额外的论文.
    • DSST Exams:
      DSST考试涵盖多种科目. 以前只对这些人开放 in the military, since 2006 DSST exams are available to adult learners, homeschooled 学生和退伍军人作为获得大学学分的一种方式.
    • UExcel Excelsior大学考试:
      UExcel exams are offered in a variety of subjects and provide students the opportunity 通过考试获得大学学分.
    • AP(大学先修课程)考试:
      AP exams are generally taken as a final part of the AP course the student is completing 在高中的时候.
    • IB(国际文凭)考试:
      IB exams are taken at the end of a student’s participation in an IB program at their 高中.

    For more assistance on what types of exams 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场 accepts, please 请致电719与TSC注册官联系.846.5550.

    如需安排CLEP考试,请联系 /testing/index.html.

    If you have taken one of these standardized exams at another location, order an official transcript/score report and have it sent to TSJC for evaluation: 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场, 注意:注册官,600 Prospect, Trinidad, CO . 81082.
    View a 可接受分数列表 for:

    • CLEP Exams
    • DSST Exams
    • UExcel Excelsior大学考试
    • AP(大学先修课程)考试
    • IB(国际文凭)考试

    TSC将指定 同等课程的CLEP和DSST考试或一般转学 如学分不可用,则为等值.

  • 机构挑战考试

    机构挑战考试是教师开发的测试. 他们会评估你的精通程度 所教授的TSC课程的能力. 有关机构的更多信息 挑战考试,请致电719与TSC注册官联系.846.5550.

    机构挑战考试是TSC遵守的方式 科罗拉多州修订法规23-1-125 , which requires public institutions of higher education to offer students an option 用于核心课程之外的测试.





















  • 已出版的指南(包括军事)

    Published guides contain credit recommendations made by reputable third party organizations 对于某些培训和/或证书.  经批准出版的指南包括 American Council on Education (ACE), National Guide to College Credit for Workplace Training, the ACE Military Guide, and the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS).

    此外,在美国学习获得的学分.S. 军事(如适用于) student’s declared degree 或证书 at TSC) is generally transferred based upon ACE credit recommendations found on a Joint Service Transcript (JST) for current or 前陆军、海岸警卫队、海军陆战队或海军人员. 空军人员将 have their credit documented on a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript.

    To be evaluated for possible credit, you should order your official transcript from the provider (JST, CCAF) or third party organization (ACE, NCCRS, etc.)并拥有它 sent directly from the issuing organization to TSC for evaluation: Trinidad State 学院,注意:注册官,600 Prospect, Trinidad, CO . 81082.

  • 项目组合评估

    Knowledge and skills acquired through work and lifelong learning may be evaluated 并通过正式的投资组合评估过程进行验证.

    Any GT Pathways credit awarded by one institution based on a portfolio review shall be accepted in transfer and applied to GT Pathways requirements at Trinidad State.

    For more information about portfolio assessment please contact the TSC Registrar, 719.846.5550.





















  • 教师评价行业 & 工作场所的信贷

    TSC may evaluate non-collegiate instructional programs that result in industry certification, professional licensure, apprenticeship completion, and other workplace skills development. Faculty subject-matter experts will evaluate the prior learning and identify if the 学习是值得表扬的.
    At TSC, our most recognized industry certifications for credit are:

    • 和平干事标准和培训(POST)
    • 国家EMT登记处(NREMT)

    For more information about the evaluation of this type of non-collegiate instruction 请联系TSC注册主任,719.846.5550. 你也可以乘坐 科罗拉多先前学习问卷 看看你的经历是否有资格获得学分

    Here is the link for information for CO Prior Learning Questionnaire : http://placredit.com/#/home

    A state institution of higher education that admits as a junior a student who holds an Associate of Arts Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree or Associate of Science Degree that is the subject of a statewide degree transfer agreement shall not require the student to complete any additional credits to fulfill general education requirements.

    TSC permits transfer students to meet the institution’s two-course English Composition 序列具有GT-CO1和GT-CO2学分. 此外,TSC允许转学生 to meet the institution’s two-course English Composition sequence with PLA credit.

* You may use 先前学习评估 to fulfill all degree / certificate graduation 除强制性居住要求外的要求.